Saturday, 23 June 2012


I am so fascinated by faeries, pagans and the spiritual stuff now. I mean don't get me wrong, I'm still a Muslim and all but I really want to know more about it. I'm sure there's nothing wrong as long as I don't believe in it right? It's wonderful stuff, really intriguing, really interesting. The picture below was actually down by Georgia. It's brilliant, it looks like I took it off google but I really didn't. I took it off Georgia's Tumblr ^_^ 

There's this really cute witch shop in Greenwich and I've been there a couple of times and there's loads of cute stuff there. The price isn't bad either, if I could, I would buy one of the stones or something and post it off to Sunderland for Georgia. Lol, I sound like a proper stalker. It's funny. So yeah, now that I've acknowledge a little bit more about pagans, Wicca,  and stuff like this, I actually respect it. It's really cool, and everyone knows me, I'm cool with any religion like. If you're an atheist even, I don't care. It's all your choice, I am in no position to judge. 

So yeah, I'm going to go to the shop in Greenwich. Tomorrow probably. It's really cool, I might buy like some stones or the fairy dust in little tube. When I get back to Malaysia, I'm going to redecorate my whole room and put all cute little stuff in it and pictures of my friends and I (both Malaysia & London) and it's going to be well nice. Plus, that's where I'm going to spend most of time at anyway if I don't have anywhere to go. So yeah, this post has been about faeries and pagans and how incredibly cool they are and it also reflects at how fucking pathetic I actually am wishing I was her. By the way, I fucking wish my handwriting was like hers.

"When people are left alone for a very long time they can change. Sometimes into something they always wanted to be. Sometimes into everything they feared they'd become."
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