Saturday, 3 January 2015

Destination: forever.

Will you look at the date? January 3rd, 2015. Time is flying by miraculously fast and honestly if time was a person, I'd find it and ask it - maybe even beg - for it to slow down. Nothing scares me more than not having enough time or running out of time and frankly, I'm feeling both of it at the same time. 

Anyways, I didn't really get to wrap up my 2014. Lame, I know but I feel like I need to do this post. So, I was scrolling through my camera roll in my phone and I came across this photograph of the people who mean the world to me. I've got a lot of close, good friends but no one will or can in that matter ever replace the people in this photo in my life. It's amazing how insignificantly small you are to the world world and yet how significantly large some people can mean to you. I have to say that 2014 was a damn good year. I mean, I am probably one of those lucky people who get to say that my year was amazing and I can't wait for the next. Now that we are in the new year, I'm feeling very good and positive as I did the year before. Maybe that's why I had such a good year; I tend to find the good in everything that happened despite the fact that whatever happened might have hurt me; mentally or emotionally. 

It's true what they say, mind over matter. You set your mind to live positively happy and you'll lead a happy life. Has anyone ever watched a movie titled About Time (which is one of the most brilliant movies ever made, might I add)? If so, you'd probably understand me when I say that seeing life in two completely different perspective really is vital in order to live your life. You view it in a negative way, you'd end up having a really bad day and on the contrary, if you view it in a positive way, you'd have such a happy life - despite all the problems that you have. If you haven't watched it, I highly recommend you do. It's so much more than just being in love with your significant other, it's about being in love with your family and life itself and all it's flaws and imperfections.

That's probably my 2014 in a nutshell. I had my bad days but I certainly covered it up with my good ones. The reason why I chose this photo is that these people mean so much to me, more than they'll ever know. I have my parents and brothers, and I'll always put them ahead of me first in life before anyone else in the world. But after that comes them; my ingeniously beautiful cousin, her annoying yet very loveable boyfriend (who might I add my soon to be official cousin too - yes, they're tying the knot!) and of course my best friend, the one who's stuck with me for the past 6 - now 7 - years.

Frankly, I don't know why I felt like I needed to write this post entry. Maybe it's because you should always let the people you love know that you love them. 

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