Thursday, 23 August 2012

The other part of my life.

I love each and everyone of my friends back in London and they are irreplaceable but these new incredible people I've met also can't ever be replace in my life. I want the second week when I was back in Malaysia to repeat itself over and over again, especially during that first night when I was in Ampang and it was time to go home, we were sending Abbas home and the car ride was cute. On that day, after we had our breaking fast feast with the whole family at my cousin's house, I slept over and went out late for the first time. Yes first time (I'm a sad, lifeless cunt leave me alone) but it was really fun and adventurous. I remembered seeing Abbas first, and then Megat, and then Aliq and Amin & Shuk in the car. Megat shook my hands but he didn't join us and then I shrieked at Aliq and he started jumping up and down in his cowboy hat. Honestly, best first impression EVER. None of them know about my blog so none of them are going to read this which is a good thing actually. 

Anyways, afterwards we decide on where to go and I was smiling the whole night, literally. I didn't say much though cos I didn't know what to say but I was just smiling. Aliq drove the car, fast and dodgy, and he was loud. At the back seat, Shuk, my perfect cousin, me and Abbas. Amin sat in front, they started playing soft sad songs and sang along, badly. But it was actually the most perfect thing ever. Like I said, I was smiling the whole time. My cousin didn't laugh as much as me when they made really stupid noises and sang really loud. Probably because she's used to it but I wasn't so I literally laughed at everything, even the silence. The first place they took me to was at Publika I think, which is in Mont Kiara. My cousin said it's where the rich people go to, which I understood why when I was there. We played UNO Stack I think and all of them purposely made me lose, which was mean but I didn't care, I had fun. I can't remember where we went afterwards but it was just as fun. Everything was literally perfect for me that night, the last place we were at, someone made a move on me and held my hand. Guess who it was? But I held his hands back because I genuinely liked him at the time, still do, kind of. I love him, but I'm not sure if I like him anymore. Anyways, putting that aside; if I tell about my entire week, you'd be bored of it so I'll just stop. I wonder who still reads my blog anyway, don't think anyone does to be honest. Oh well, that's much better isn't it? 

Hakka Republic, we were watching my cousin's cousin (on her father's side) singing which was BRILLIANT. 

Cueball, or as my cousin and her friends call it "HQ". 

Hakka Republic, my beautiful, perfect cousin and Aliq. 

At a restaurant somewhere called Dagang Avenue.

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